« Vraiment c’était magique! Je n’aurais jamais imaginé être aussi prise par la féerie de l’évènement, bravo à LearnArtory pour avoir eu cette idée! »
Geneviève S., Christmas Lights by night, 5 décembre 2022.
« First of all, I want to say again that I so very much enjoy all the walks you are able to offer us. I love the creativity and original ideas on the many areas in London. Just perfect! It was a pleasure to meet Emma yesterday. She is so knowledgeable and clever in combing so many facts and bringing them to life. »
Susanne S., Secret Alleyways of the City, 8 novembre 2022.
« Discovering Clapham with Marguerite from LearnArtory was fascinating and a most enjoyable experience. There is a lot to see in this most desirable part of London to live in. The worksheet provided at the beginning of the tour was extremely helpful as there is so much history, art and architecture in this South London District. »
Anne McK., Curious Clapham: from Country to Civility (C1), 13th June 2022.
Greenwich à grande échelle!
Français – Anglais
De l’Observatoire à la Queen’s House et au Royal Hospital (avec ou sans les visites des intérieurs), vous vivrez une journée de visite intense!

Une journée à BATH
Français – Anglais
Découvrons ensemble la ville de Bath, sa riche histoire, son architecture typique du 18ème siècle et les célébrités qui l’ont fréquentée.

Nature & Culture, Hampstead Heath et Kenwood House
Français – Anglais
Une belle promenade énergétique dans Hampstead Heath jusqu’au sommet de la colline avant de découvrir Kenwood House, un chef-d’oeuvre d’architecture néo-classique.

« The tour was what I hoped it would be and ultimately exceeded my expectations. I thought the guide was excellent. It was a lot of detail in the first bit of the tour when we were outside but her enthusiasm and awareness helped me stay focused. I would not hesitate to go on more tours! »
Jane H., Somerset House: Inside and Out, 5 avril 2022.
« Thank you so much for the tour today! I so enjoyed learning more about the gorgeous jewels! »
Kim P., Jewels Galore! A guided tour of the V&A Jewellery Gallery, 31 mars 2022.
« Merci pour une nouvelle découverte fantastique! J’ai appris beaucoup sur les bijoux, moi qui suit une passionnée de peinture, je regarderai les tableaux et les portraits différemment à l’avenir. La guide était une fois de plus excellente! »
Geneviève S., Jewels Galore! A guided tour of the V&A Jewellery Gallery, 31 mars 2022.
« Discovering or re-discovering Chiswick with LearnArtory’s guide David was very enjoyable. David is lively, funny and incredibly knowledgeable. Famous painters and writers as well as historical figures lived in this beautiful London suburb. »
Anne McK., Charming Chiswick: Quiet suburb and celebrities, 22 mars 2022.
« It was with great pleasure that I joined the walk around the neighbourhood of Marylebone organised by LearnArtory in March 2022. The knowledge of the guide was remarkable. »
Christine A., Marylebone: a Georgian gem in Central London, 2 mars 2022.
« It was great to join you today of this wonderful Piccadilly walk, it was my first time but I enjoyed thoroughly. »
Maggie X., Made in Britain: Fine Shopping in Piccadilly, 22 février 2022.
« Thank you for organising this fabulous walk and suggesting this visit to me for the Club! All the participants seemed very enthusiastic. Muriel as usual is so good that she makes us forget the cold weather! A very interesting area, with a great diversity of architecture. Amazing to find such lovely corners in the centre of London and yet one gets the impression to be far away from London. »
Geneviève S., Secret Fitzrovia, 19th January 2022.
« On a sunny’s January morning, it was pure joy to discover Fitzrovia, a London hidden gem. Muriel, one of LearnArtory’s blue badge guides, led our group with enthusiasm, a big smile and amazing knowledge through the local streets. History, Architecture, Litterature and Art were present around every corner. Fitzroy Square with its features designed by Robert Adams was a wonderful discovery.
Thank you LearnArtory for this treat! »
Anne McK., Secret Fitzrovia, 19th January 2022.
« Thank you for organising this fabulous walk and suggesting this visit to me for the Club! All the participants seemed very enthusiastic. Muriel as usual is so good that she makes us forget the cold weather! A very interesting area, with a great diversity of architecture. Amazing to find such lovely corners in the centre of London and yet one gets the impression to be far away from London. »
Geneviève S., Secret Fitzrovia, 19 janvier 2022.
« On a sunny’s January morning, it was pure joy to discover Fitzrovia, a London hidden gem. Muriel, one of LearnArtory’s blue badge guides, led our group with enthusiasm, a big smile and amazing knowledge through the local streets. History, Architecture, Litterature and Art were present around every corner. Fitzroy Square with its features designed by Robert Adams was a wonderful discovery.
Thank you LearnArtory for this treat! »
Anne McK., Secret Fitzrovia, 19 janvier 2022.
Family scavenger hunt in Royal London
French – English
Join us on this most treasured tour of Royal London. A family activity-led visit packed with history, stories and fun facts! Ready, steady, go!

Famous Britons
French – English
Let’s discover together the great names of British culture: scientists, writers, artists, men, women, architects, politicians, from all eras and from all walks of life…

Famous British Women Writers
French – English
Which famous ones? Let’s begin with Mary Wollstonecraft, Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Virginia Woolf et Bernardine Evaristo! We offer you an overview of their ground-breaking contributions to English literature and thinking.

Chasse au trésor en famille dans Royal London
Français – Anglais
Rejoignez-nous pour cette visite inédite et originale du Royal London. Une visite en famille qui mêle Culture et Histoire de manière drôle et amusante! Pour petits et grands!